Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

Free consultation with an international lawyer


  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Romanian residence permit

3 months


Prospects for obtaining citizenship, visa-free travel within the EU

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Bulgarian residence permit

21–45 days


Life in a developed European country, favorable business conditions

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Slovenian residence permit

30 days


Freedom of movement within the EU countries, free education for children

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Residence permit of Cyprus

3 months


The possibility of obtaining permanent residence and citizenship in the future, life in a country with a warm climate

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
French residence permit

From 2 weeks to 6 months


Free movement within the EU and the Schengen area, the possibility of promising employment

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Spanish residence permit

3 months


The right to live in Spanish territory, visit EU and Schengen countries without a visa

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Italian residence permit

20 days


Possibility of official employment in local companies, free entry to European countries

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Maltese residence permit

3–4 months


Visa-free travel within the EU and the Schengen area, favorable conditions for business activities

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
German residence permit
Minimum investment, €

2 months


Conducting labor activity without restrictions, access to social benefits on the rights of citizens

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  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms
Austrian residence permit

3–6 months


Employment in a highly paid job, access to quality medical services with insurance coverage

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Residence permit is a first step

on the way to citizenship obtainment

Free consultation with an international lawyer

Benefits of residence permit

A residence permit in a European country provides its holder with the following privileges:

  • Legal stay in the EU
    A resident can reside in a certain European country and visit other EU states without a visa.
  • European education
    The presence of a residence permit provides an opportunity to enter higher educational institutions of the state.
  • The right to work
    The permit holder can get a job in a European company and receive a decent salary.
  • Quality medical care
    The resident has access to treatment in European clinics under insurance.
  • Business conduction
    A foreign entrepreneur gets the opportunity to bring goods or services to the European market, develop and expand the company.
  • Purchase of real estate
    The holder of a residence permit can buy commercial and residential real estate, as well as dispose of it at his own discretion.
  • Relocation with family
    Wife, children and close relatives may join the main applicant.

A residence permit is granted for a period of one to five years with the right to renew it. After 5 years of residence in a European country, you can apply for permanent resident status. After another 1–5 years (depending on the state), the foreigner has the right to apply for citizenship through naturalization.

  Residence permit obtainment in the shortest terms

The procedure of residence permit obtainment

1. Choice of the grounds

    You can apply for a residence permit for employment, family reunification, studying at a university, registering a business, marrying a citizen of a European country, and investing. The company’s lawyers will help you choose the best immigration option based on the applicant’s data.

2. Preparation and submission of documents

    To obtain an entry permit, the applicant needs to obtain a category D visa. With support of the lawyers, the documents required by law are collected and the request is submitted to the consulate or embassy of the selected country.

3. Preparation of a dossier for a residence permit

    After arriving in the country, the applicant submits an application for a residence permit to the authorized immigration authority.

4. Obtaining a residence permit and a resident card

    Consideration of the application is usually carried out within 1-3 months. The applicant is notified of the decision, and he receives a temporary resident card of the EU country.

Residence permit is a first step

on the way to citizenship obtainment

Free consultation with an international lawyer

Frequently asked questions

  • What documents are needed to apply for a residence permit?

    Foreign passport, photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm, medical insurance, certificate of clean criminal record, bank statement which shows income, receipt of payment of the administrative fee.
  • Are there any additional conditions for obtaining a residence permit for business?

    With the dossier for obtaining a permit, you will need to submit a business plan and proof of sufficient funds for doing business.
  • In what cases can a residence permit be refused?

    The refusal may come due to the recognition of the applicant as a person potentially threatening national security, concealment of a criminal record, provision of false information or documents, entering into a fictitious marriage with an EU citizen, suspicion of illegal activity.
  • What can I invest in to obtain a residence permit?

    European countries issue a residence permit for investments in public funds, real estate, business.
  • What is required to obtain resident status for a financially independent person?

    A legal, regular income is required from outside the state in which it is planned to obtain a residence permit, since this type of residence permit does not provide for the right to work in the country.
  • Can I get a residence permit when buying a property?

    Yes, this option is offered by EU countries such as Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Malta.